Passive House De­sign­er / Con­sult­ant course (in English) 2022

Learn first-hand from experts at the Passive House Institute, how to design energy-efficient & cost-optimal buildings worldwide!
A prerequisite is a general knowledge of Passive House, which you can conveniently acquire via the approx. 3-day e-learning Passive House Fundamentals:
You also need a good level of English (B2 or equivalent), basic knowledge of Building Physics, as well as the ability to use Microsoft® Excel.

E-learning "Passive House Fundamentals": preparatory training on demand
Mo­dule 1 - Build­ing En­vel­ope: 6 & 7 Oc­to­ber, 13 & 14 Oc­to­ber 2022 ( 4 half days)
Mo­dule 2 - Build­ing Ser­vice, Ret­ro­fit, Eco­nom­ics: 26.- 28. Oc­to­ber , 2. - 4. Novem­ber 2022 (6 half days)
Mo­dule 3 - PHPP Ba­sics: 17. & 18. Novem­ber, 24 & 25. Novem­ber 2022 (4 half days)

Re­vis­ion Ses­sion: 09. Decem­ber 2022
On­line Test-Ex­am: 12. Decem­ber 2022
On­line Ex­am Pass­ive House de­sign­er/con­sult­ant: 15. Decem­ber 2022 (other exam dates are possible)

Course times 12:00 to 16:30 CEST

You can book the full course or individual modules. It is recommended to also do the e-learning Passive House Fundamentals, if you only book individual modules (

The ex­am fee is not in­cluded in the course price. The exam must be booked sep­ar­ately.

You must have a PHPP licence number to register for the exam. A PHPP licence is included when you book the full course. You can purchase a PHPP licence here:

Early Bird.
Re­gister and pay be­fore 15th of August to get up to 15% early bird dis­count! IPHA mem­bers get 10% dis­count and stu­dents get 50% dis­count. The dis­counts can­not be com­bined. The highest pos­sible dis­count will be gran­ted.

Cancellation Terms
The Course / exam can be cancelled free of charge up to two weeks before the course / exam starts. In case of a later cancellation, a fee of 50% of the course fee will be charged.
Cancellation or termination after the start of the course / exam can not be considered. The same applies in the event of non-appearance without prior cancellation.
Cancellation of the course / exam by the Passive House Institute: Should the course / exam be cancelled for an important reason (e.g. illness of the course instructor or insufficient number of participants), the course / exam fee will be refunded in full. Other possible costs incurred cannot be reimbursed.

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? The course will be held online. Access will be sent to you by e-mail.

When does the event happen?
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