Passive House De­sign­er / Con­sult­ant course (in English)

ONLINE Certified Passive House Designer & Consultant Course

Course: 15th October - 26th November 2020

Review session: 4th December 2020, It is optional, but we highly recommend it as it is aimed at getting you better prepared for certification exam.

Online-Exam: 18th December 2020, performed by Passive House Institute (other exam dates are possible)

Learn first-hand from ex­perts at the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te, how to design en­ergy-ef­fi­cient & cost-op­tim­al build­ings world­wide! All you need is a good level of Eng­lish (B2 or equi­val­ent), ba­sic know­ledge of Build­ing Phys­ics, as well as the abil­ity to use Mi­crosoft® Ex­cel.

Re­gister and pay be­fore 15 Septem­ber to get up to 15% early bird dis­count! IPHA mem­bers get 10% dis­count and stu­dents get 50% dis­count. The dis­counts can­not be com­bined. The highest pos­sible dis­count will be gran­ted.

For students: after your registration please send a copy of your valid student ID card to
You will then receive an invoice for the discounted amount.

Note: If you book the Passive House Designer/Counsultant course (full course) you get 50% on modules 4-6 (PHPP Expert course). This course will take place online in January - February 2021.
If you are interested just contact to receive your discount.

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? The course will be held online. Access will be sent to you by e-mail.

When does the event happen?
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