PHPP Expert online-exam

Be­come a PHPP Ex­pert!

The exam will take place online and lasts two hours.

The exam can be taken in German or in English.
When registering for the exam in the database, you can select the exam with the respective language.

As a pre­re­quis­ite for the ex­am­in­a­tion, can­did­ates must first sub­mit a home­work as­sign­ment (set­ting up a PHPP for a non-res­id­en­tial build­ing), which will be is­sued upon registration in the database.

Re­gister for the exam and pay be­fore 15 May 2021 to get up to 15% early bird dis­count!
iPHA mem­bers get 10% dis­count while stu­dents get 50% dis­count.
The dis­counts can­not be com­bined. The highest pos­sible dis­count will be gran­ted.

Cancellation Terms
Exam can be cancelled free of charge up to two weeks before the course / exam starts. In case of later cancellation, a fee of 50% of the course fee will be charged.
In case of later cancellation or already submitted homework, a fee of 50% of the exam fee will be charged.

Cancellation of the course / exam by the PHI: Should the course / exam be cancelled for an important reason (e.g. illness of the course instructor or insufficient number of participants), the course / exam fee will be refunded in full. Other possible costs incurred cannot be reimbursed.

Choose date to book a ticket
